Sunday, March 22, 2015

Meet Erica Oleske!

It's that time again, where I get to spotlight one of my coaches on my team and share a few things about them that we might not have already known! Gaining friends through this experience has been one of my favorite parts about this journey, because sometimes it is hard to find others that constantly lift you up, support your healthy lifestyle, and push you to grow personally and professionally. This opportunity does all of the above.

I have actually never met Erica in person, but I know she is one of my soul sisters, and the cutest darn New Yorker I've ever seen! Besides being an incredibly amazing coach.. here are a few things about this gorgeous gal she shared with us!

"Hi everyone! How fun is this?! I'm Erica, a bride-to-be, friend, sister, daughter and New Yorker. My passions are fitness, health and wellness, travel, cooking and helping others. It has been incredibly rewarding to get to know all of you, and the thing I love most about coaching is being able to lift people up - both on our team, within my personally sponsored coaches' community and with my customers/challengers. It's so inspiring for me! I really do think God put me on Earth to help others, and these past couple of years I have really spent focusing on His plan and changing a lot about my life in a very positive way. From working in the luxury (but very cutthroat) NYC public relations world lots of glamorous perks, to transitioning to a wonderful fundraising job at a Catholic nonprofit and now adding coaching to my life, it's been amazing to see how incorporating SERVICE into my life has made me a better/happy person. I love anything sparkly, A-line dresses, pink clothing/accessories and high heels. I'd say my style is 50's housewife meets socialite Barbie . I also love animals and can't wait for my white picket fence and golden retriever someday. Writing, working out, spending time with my friends and family, eating spicy food and curling up with a good book or the Sunday styles (and a big cup of coffee) make for the perfect lazy Sunday for me!"

Isn't she just the cutest?!?! Thanks for sharing girl, it has been an absolute honor to learn from you, be inspired by you, and call you a friend!  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Meet Alyssa Sahli!

Time to SPOTLIGHT another one of our amazing coaches... Alyssa Sahli! I love these spotlights so we can get to know our fellow teammates on a deeper level, since most of our work is through social media, and some of us have never met in person! I however, have had the pleasure of knowing Miss Alyssa in person, working with her at Gillette Children's Hospital! I asked Alyssa to take a minute and share a few things about herself! 

"Ok some random things about me...I have a bachelors in social work, minor in sociology and a certificate in child advocacy studies. Children hold a special place in my heart! I have worked at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare for 11 years this May. As much as I love the rewarding work, I looking at expanding my education and pursue a different career avenue. I love to cook and bake. Even though I do not have a huge elaborate kitchen with all of the fancy gadgets, it is still a huge passion of mine. One of my favorite things to do is glance at a recipe and go from there. No measurements etc. Wing it and go. I secretly want to own a bakery or sweet shop! As I was growing up I wanted to be like my two older brothers who were involved in sports. I was played softball and threw shot put and discus in high school. This sport allowed me the opportunity to become involved with powerlifting! I LOVED lifting heavy, so much so that I earned the high school girls bench press record. And I cannot forget my 3 nieces. They are full of energy and LIFE and have given me the ability to look at life in a completely different way!"

I love hearing things about coaches that I never knew, and seeing where each one started, before Beachbody. So many coaches with SUCH different backgrounds, which is what I love most about this opportunity, seeing people from ALL walks of life share one passion to help end the trend of obesity. Thank you Alyssa for sharing some facts about you, it is such a pleasure to have your positivity shine on our team!

Monday, March 2, 2015

So Blessed in February!

Team >>FITforward was SO incredibly blessed in the month of February. NOT only did we find out that we were ranked #60 in the entire company {out of 280,000}, and #12 in the central region... BUT we had so many wonderful coaches move their business forward with BIG rank advancements and TONS of incredible people join our team as new coaches. 

Rank advancing in this business is a sign of coaches building a solid foundation, moving their businesses forward and not only creating a life of freedom for themselves, but teaching others to successfully do the same. It is a sign of leadership, through being a good example, helping others, and showing consistency is key.

In February I was able to rank advance my business to 5 star qualifying... and to me this is NOTHING that I did, it is purely a sign that I have ROCKSTAR coaches that are paving the way for their teams, and building successful teams of leaders themselves! My sweet friend Jenna Beaverson advanced her business to 2 star qualifying... which is a HUGE milestone in this company. She did this all while working as a teacher, and being PREGNANT! Speaking of being pregnant... Miss Malia Stalock is also another preggers who rank advanced her business to DIAMOND this month. Right along with her was Mickayla Balow hitting diamond in her first few MONTHS as a coach. SO incredible, and this is the first of many for these two! 

We also had the pleasure of celebrating 8 new advancements to Emerald this month! Congrats to Krysta Malchow, Emily Rud, Kristy Westrom, Danielle Alana, Ashley Michele, Katelyn Aase, Sarah Antczak and Laura Janquart. This is their FIRST big promotion in this company, showing that they are in the process of building a solid foundation as leaders, helping others achieve their goals and start a business of their own following in their footsteps! 

And this last photo just amazes me... I cannot believe how many beautiful faces joined our team this past month. Over 24 people decided to take a leap of faith and begin this journey as a coach to either keep themselves accountable, help others along the way, or to build a business of their own from home to create a life of their dreams. This is SUCH an exciting time, and I cannot wait to watch all of you grow this year! Commit to ONE YEAR of consistency and I can GUARANTEE you will not ever regret this decision. It has hands down changed my life. Welcome ALL of you to this incredible team, and congrats on your new BUSINESS!

Last but not least.. take a peek at ALL these incredible leaders in February. This just BLOWS ME AWAY! The names and numbers below are a direct reflection of the amount of LIVES these coaches are changing, taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle, which is the BEST part about this job! HUGE shout out to Kristy Westrom, Ashley McLaughlin, Katie Crothers, and Laura Janquart for being in the LEADERS circle this month! Keep up the incredible work team!