Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Fearless in February

Record. Breaking. Month. Record breaking volume, record breaking paychecks, record breaking number of lives changed by this team in February. What a complete HONOR to be a part of something so wonderful! In February we welcomed these gorgeous 73 faces to our team! What an amazing feeling to know what an incredible opportunity is ahead for these 73 people, and how many more lives they are going to impact and inspire through this experience! 

We also had over 23 people achieve their first rank advancement! All of these faces below earned their first promotion and hit EMERALD rank! This means that they are now leading their own team, which is so incredible! So proud of you guys!
And last but not least... a RECORD breaking number of VIP advancements!!!! Huge congrats to our 4 new diamonds, Jessica, Jackie, Jamie and Abby! Our new One star qualifying coach Molly, Three star qualifying coaches Jenna and Amy, and 5 star qualifying coach Mickayla! Seriously this BLOWS MY MIND! These are ranks that only the top 1% of the company ever hit, out of over 400k coaches! ALL of them on our incredible team! You guys are paving the way for SO many people to live lives they never dreamed of, I'm so proud of your leadership, integrity, and your huge hearts to serve others! Honored to be on this team with you all! 

March has some BIG shoes to fill, but we have super exciting things in store, including a NEW program launch, and Shakeology's 7th birthday! Have a blessed month friends! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Starting our Journey in January

A new year, a new journey. I love the month of January. Its like the ULTIMATE fresh start... chapter ONE of a brand new book. SO many things to look forward to with a blank year ahead. I spent a ton of time getting on 1:1 calls with my coaches, video conference calls, coffee dates, and really taking time to LISTEN to what their definition of success is, and how we can get them there in 2016. 2016 is my year to give my team my ALL, and help them all reach their level of success they are striving for in this business. And let me tell you... we are off to a KILLER start!

I spent a lot of time this month being so incredibly grateful for what this "job" has provided. This month was my 2 year anniversary as a coach, and after getting my 1099 back for taxes, and realizing that I have more than tripled my income this year, more than doubled my yearly RN salary, I took time to think about HOW that happened. A few things came to mind.. first and foremost, I believe God has a huge role in this team's success. I lead every decision with prayer, I pray for all my coaches, and I know that this business would NOT be possible without Him behind me. Second, it is the little things I've done each day... I'm not a superstar tech hero, I don't know thousands of people, I'm not a marketing genius, I just show up every day with a goal to help touch one life, and share with others what I'm doing to better myself physically, mentally and professionally. Its showing up every day, doing the little things daily that will get you to big rewards over time. I jotted down a lot of my failures, and really looked at what worked and what didn't over the last 2 years so I can share that with my team and we can continue to grow and learn together. I'm so elated to think about where this year will take all these rockstar coaches.

To top it off, we got to start the year by adding all these incredible people to our mission... welcome new coaches of Team >>FITforward!

Then we got to celebrate tons of rank advancements this month... all of these go-getters below pushed hard out of the gates to start 2016 off strong! The people below have all hit emerald rank, and earned their first promotion in this business! SO proud of you all!

And last but certainly not least... our new star diamonds of the month! These are 2 GIRL BOSSES let me tell you! Mickayla has hit 4 star qualifying this month, and Victoriya has hit 3 star qualifying! That means that not only are THEY at a level of success that only 0.01% of coaches make it to in this business, but so are 3 and 4 of their coaches.. because they lead by example, and they have created teams that are ON FIRE and striving for big big goals this year! I'm so honored to work with leaders like you ladies, and so very proud of you! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING GIRLS!
WOW... how are we going to top this month team?!?! Way to kick off the new year! SO proud of you all for working daily to better yourselves, and striving to impact the lives of others! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Dreamin' BIG in December

What was YOUR Christmas wish this year? ONE of mine was to have the opportunity to watch my team finish the year STRONG, and to get to dream together BIG goals and visions for 2016! Well, I'm PROUD to announce that Team >>FITforward will be ending the year as an ELITE team, top 75 in the entire company. Now that is an incredible Christmas gift {and so was my precious daughter being born... but thats another story!}...

Despite having a CRAZY busy month bringing my daughter into this beautiful world {and teaching her from the start how to #girlboss}, I made time for TONS of 1:1 calls and video conference meetings with coaches on my team. I got to hang out with all my like-minded friends, and some of the most supportive people I know, we got to give virtual cheers, brainstorm, dream, and uplift one another! Now if that isn't a DREAM JOB I'm not sure what is!

During all the hustle and bustle we got to welcome TONS of new coaches to our team this month also! Here are their beautiful faces below! We are so excited to have you all join us!
Now, one would think that during a month full of gatherings, holiday stress, kids off school, and family time, that your business would take a back seat... well not when your "job" is something you truly LOVE to do... That is why we got to celebrate SO MANY rank advancements in December! Here are our new EMERALD coaches below! This means they reached their FIRST promotion, and are now leading teams of their own, on the way to much bigger things! 

And then last but certainly not least... we had a RECORD month for LEADERSHIP advancements... We had a total of 4 NEW diamond coaches! Congrats to Julie, Bre, Kaitlin, and Jenn for hitting DIAMOND rank, which means they are now leading a KILLER team of other coaches who are learning to start their own businesses helping other people too! Incredible accomplishment hit by miss Malia, going 2 star qualifying, which means she will soon open her SECOND business, and this is what I call the "game changer" in this business! Huge congrats to you! And then lastly the BIG DOGS... Mickayla and Victoriya both hit 3 star qualifying this month, meaning that their teams are on FIRE, but they also have 3 emerging leaders because of THEIR incredible leadership! 

What an incredible month, and an even more incredible year. I am so blessed to get to work along side these amazing people. It is by the Grace of God that this business has brought such incredible people into my life, that almost all started with being STRANGERS! Virtual relationships are truly incredible, and priceless when they turn into REAL LIFE treasures. I'm beyond proud of the incredible work this team put in this year, and even more proud to think about all the lives they have touched. I cannot wait to crush 2016 with you all!