Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Starting our Journey in January

A new year, a new journey. I love the month of January. Its like the ULTIMATE fresh start... chapter ONE of a brand new book. SO many things to look forward to with a blank year ahead. I spent a ton of time getting on 1:1 calls with my coaches, video conference calls, coffee dates, and really taking time to LISTEN to what their definition of success is, and how we can get them there in 2016. 2016 is my year to give my team my ALL, and help them all reach their level of success they are striving for in this business. And let me tell you... we are off to a KILLER start!

I spent a lot of time this month being so incredibly grateful for what this "job" has provided. This month was my 2 year anniversary as a coach, and after getting my 1099 back for taxes, and realizing that I have more than tripled my income this year, more than doubled my yearly RN salary, I took time to think about HOW that happened. A few things came to mind.. first and foremost, I believe God has a huge role in this team's success. I lead every decision with prayer, I pray for all my coaches, and I know that this business would NOT be possible without Him behind me. Second, it is the little things I've done each day... I'm not a superstar tech hero, I don't know thousands of people, I'm not a marketing genius, I just show up every day with a goal to help touch one life, and share with others what I'm doing to better myself physically, mentally and professionally. Its showing up every day, doing the little things daily that will get you to big rewards over time. I jotted down a lot of my failures, and really looked at what worked and what didn't over the last 2 years so I can share that with my team and we can continue to grow and learn together. I'm so elated to think about where this year will take all these rockstar coaches.

To top it off, we got to start the year by adding all these incredible people to our mission... welcome new coaches of Team >>FITforward!

Then we got to celebrate tons of rank advancements this month... all of these go-getters below pushed hard out of the gates to start 2016 off strong! The people below have all hit emerald rank, and earned their first promotion in this business! SO proud of you all!

And last but certainly not least... our new star diamonds of the month! These are 2 GIRL BOSSES let me tell you! Mickayla has hit 4 star qualifying this month, and Victoriya has hit 3 star qualifying! That means that not only are THEY at a level of success that only 0.01% of coaches make it to in this business, but so are 3 and 4 of their coaches.. because they lead by example, and they have created teams that are ON FIRE and striving for big big goals this year! I'm so honored to work with leaders like you ladies, and so very proud of you! THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING GIRLS!
WOW... how are we going to top this month team?!?! Way to kick off the new year! SO proud of you all for working daily to better yourselves, and striving to impact the lives of others!