Saturday, March 14, 2015

Meet Alyssa Sahli!

Time to SPOTLIGHT another one of our amazing coaches... Alyssa Sahli! I love these spotlights so we can get to know our fellow teammates on a deeper level, since most of our work is through social media, and some of us have never met in person! I however, have had the pleasure of knowing Miss Alyssa in person, working with her at Gillette Children's Hospital! I asked Alyssa to take a minute and share a few things about herself! 

"Ok some random things about me...I have a bachelors in social work, minor in sociology and a certificate in child advocacy studies. Children hold a special place in my heart! I have worked at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare for 11 years this May. As much as I love the rewarding work, I looking at expanding my education and pursue a different career avenue. I love to cook and bake. Even though I do not have a huge elaborate kitchen with all of the fancy gadgets, it is still a huge passion of mine. One of my favorite things to do is glance at a recipe and go from there. No measurements etc. Wing it and go. I secretly want to own a bakery or sweet shop! As I was growing up I wanted to be like my two older brothers who were involved in sports. I was played softball and threw shot put and discus in high school. This sport allowed me the opportunity to become involved with powerlifting! I LOVED lifting heavy, so much so that I earned the high school girls bench press record. And I cannot forget my 3 nieces. They are full of energy and LIFE and have given me the ability to look at life in a completely different way!"

I love hearing things about coaches that I never knew, and seeing where each one started, before Beachbody. So many coaches with SUCH different backgrounds, which is what I love most about this opportunity, seeing people from ALL walks of life share one passion to help end the trend of obesity. Thank you Alyssa for sharing some facts about you, it is such a pleasure to have your positivity shine on our team!

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