Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Mindsets in November

I spent a lot of time this month being thankful for MANY things... my team being one of them. As a team we decided to focus on the BASICS again, and really push to shift our mindsets to end the year strong and head into 2016 with some BIG goals on our vision boards. We did JUST that, and I couldn't be more proud of them! 

These are all the beautiful faces we got to welcome to our family this month! I get SO excited seeing new faces join us because this is just the start of an incredible adventure for them! 

With the notion of focusing on the basics this month, we ran a what we call a few "push" groups, that just help our coaches focus on doing the small things over time and watching them compound into big rewards later. Because of their hard work and dedication we got to celebrate these coaches on their first promotion of EMERALD coach! They now lead teams of their OWN and have started an incredible push in their own businesses! 

And of course we couldn't end the month without some BIG hairy scary goals being met... first up we have miss Molly who rank advanced to RUBY coach, which means that not only is SHE on fire, but she has taught her coaches to lead with integrity and passion just like she does. I'm so proud of you Molly... this is just the beginning for you! And last but not least a HUGE HUGE goal met by miss Victoriya of 2 star diamond qualifying which is in my opinion one of the biggest milestones you can reach as a coach. It means that after qualification she can open her SECOND business... yep.. she has rocked her first business so well that she will be rewarded with the opportunity to open yet another business account.... to which she will dominate as well I'm sure! So excited for what is ahead for you guys! 

As always, they never cease to amaze me and I become more proud of them every single month. I'm so blessed to be in this community with such incredible people. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Outstanding Performance for October!

So they say that Fall is the "hardest time of year" for any health and wellness company... between cozy comfort foods, kids back in school, holiday stress/plans, etc. people just don't "have time" to invest in themselves... OR they are just focused on soaking up all the sugary treats instead! Regardless of what "they" say... Team >>FITforward has proven that statement wrong yet again. In the month of October we continued to grow, learn, and help other people take the first steps towards their health and wellness goals.. and SHOW them that you still can have a healthy life despite occasional comfort food indulgences and sugary holiday treats!

These are all the GORGEOUS faces we were so blessed to welcome to the team in the month of October! So pumped to get them all started out on this incredible journey!

Not only did we welcome SO many new wonderful coaches to the family, BUT we also had some HUGE celebrations last month! Here are the faces of all the coaches that earned their FIRST promotion in their new businesses... October Emerald Coaches! This promotion means that they now lead a team of their own, and they also start earning tons of "perks" from  this amazing company as well! 

The next set of celebrations BLOWS my mind... First up we have our newest DIAMOND coaches, Katelyn and Sarah! This is such a big accomplishment in this business because it means that you have not only led a team to follow your footsteps, but that team of yours is also showing success, clearly because of THEIR leadership! Then we have Victoriya and Carly {who not only hit ONE but TWO major milestones in the same month} hitting MAJOR milestones of 2 star diamond qualifying, which in my opinion is where this opportunity TRULY starts to blow your mind. After their qualification periods they will earn a spot to open their SECOND business center... now that is a  bunch of #BOSSES! And last but not least, miss Alysha, who hit ALL the same wonderful qualifications as a 2 star coach, but the very NEXT WEEK she continued to crush goals and hit 3 star diamond qualifying. Seriously incredible. This just goes to show that her team is on FIRE and on the road to some pretty amazing accomplishments.

It is such a blessing watching this opportunity that I was almost too skeptical and scared to try, truly CHANGE theses peoples lives. It is incredible what God will do when you hand over your fears, and let Him steer the wheel. So incredibly thankful for this powerhouse team who continues to show me what LIVING life is all about. <3 

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Success in September

Typically September is a "slow" month for many people in the business of health and wellness. People are busy focusing on getting the kids back to school, they are out enjoying every last second of summer weather, and they just typically begin to put themselves on the back burner again. My team KNEW this was going to be a tough month, but what they knew more than that was the power behind this team. They continued to show other people how life changing this opportunity is, and how incredible this team is. Because we don't SELL anything, but rather SHARE how this has changed our lives, a slow month has nothing on this team!

I was lucky enough to host a team event for some local coaches in MN. We ate together, laughed together, celebrated with some amazing pictures, and heard some inspirational words from a fellow friend and top coach! Here is a sneak peek of a team photo from the event!

We were also blessed to welcome these beautiful faces to our team in September! 
New Coaches in September

During this "slow month" we also got to celebrate some amazing people hitting their first promotion as a coach, reaching EMERALD rank! Here are the ones we celebrated this month on this incredible accomplishment! 
September Emeralds
And last but not least, these 3 faces blew our team celebrations out of the water. This past month Allison and Jenna both reached DIAMOND rank in their businesses. This means that they have continued to show leadership, determination, and showed up consistently in their business and now have thriving teams under them, all following in their footsteps! I know this is just the beginning for both of them! Then we have miss Mickayla, who reached an incredible milestone of 2 star diamond qualifying in her business. This means that not only does SHE have a killer team, but her coaches are creating incredible, successful teams themselves too! This is a rank that NOT many people reach, and it is truly a pivotal accomplishment. She is an amazing leader, and I am so blessed to learn from her and be inspired by her daily! 

September DIAMOND and ABOVE!
Along with all of the incredible rank achievements and new coaches we were blessed to welcome, our team also helped hundreds of people start their journeys to becoming healthier, happier people! We all do this business to inspire people to live HEALTHY, long, HAPPY lives, lives that they never thought they could! We are beyond thankful for everyone that puts their trust in us as we guide them to make small changes over time. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Amazing in August

This team... THE BEST I tell ya! Seriously, just a year and a half in the making and holding strong in the TOP 50 ranking of the ENTIRE COMPANY (over 380,000 teams!!). The most amazing part about this team is the bonding, the support, and the encouragement that each person so freely gives to one another. A group of strangers, that feels like family. I cannot wait for a few special team events in September!

August was another amazing month for this team! We welcomed over 56 new coaches to Team >>FITforward! Here are their beautiful faces below!
New Coaches in August

Along with welcoming so many new incredible faces to this team, we also had a lot of fun celebrations for people rank advancing in their businesses too! Below are the new EMERALD coaches for August! These people have now started a team of their own, established themselves as LEADERS, and are paving the way for others to live out this incredible journey with them!

Next up in our celebrations were our newest RUBY and DIAMOND and STAR DIAMOND coaches!!! Katelyn and Allison earned the rank of RUBY this month, being just seconds away from DIAMOND themselves! Miss Kelli is our newest DIAMOND coach, and these 3 ladies are just paving the way to some BIG things ahead! They are strong leaders of their own team and are now producing leaders of their own in their organizations! They have built TRUST, and shown that their hearts are in this for the long run. Amy and Jessica are MOMMAS on a MISSION. These two are just powerhouses and have hit 2 star diamond qualifying in their business which is one of THE BIGGEST milestones you can hit... only the top 0.001% ever get there! It also means they earned the right to open their SECOND business in this journey... which is incredible! These are the faces of the NEXT >>FITforward teams that are going to take over Beachbody!!
Absolutely blown away each month by how blessed I am to be a part of such an incredible movement and community we have built in this team. So proud of all of you, and can't wait to rock out the end of the year with you and continue to help others change their lives, inspire, and become the best we can be! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Adventures in July!

July was a CRAZY month for our team! Over 28 of us attended our national coach convention of over 25,000 coaches in Nashville, TN. We spent 4 days together bonding, growing, and soaking in the BEST training and getting in some killer LIVE workouts with celebrity trainers! SO incredibly special to spend time with these people IN PERSON! It was an awesome time, and we already have over 75 people from our team who bought tickets to attend in 2016! LIFE CHANGING weekend! Will you join us next year?!?!
Team Picture after Closing Ceremonies

Team Picture at the DIAMOND HOUSE

AMAZING speakers!
We also got to welcome an INSANE amount of new faces to our team! Below are the new coaches of >>FITforward in July! {this just blows me away!!!}
And of course we had MANY celebrations for rank advancements this month too!! Below are the SHINY new EMERALDS! This means that the people below have earned their FIRST promotion in Beachbody, and have now created teams of their own! 
And last but not least a HUGE congrats to all of our upper rank advancements this month!! We have our shiny new RUBY coach Kristy, new DIAMONDS Amanda, Krysta and Joanie! INCREDIBLE work to our new ONE STAR diamond coaches Mickayla and Malia! These all mean that these women have created POWERHOUSE teams beneath them because of their leadership, examples, and consistency. They are amazing coaches and their teams success is proof of that! So proud of you all! 
Looking forward to an amazing August with all my favorite people! Time to get to work and help others take the first steps towards health, wellness, freedom and HAPPINESS! Be the BEST version of you today! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Blessings in June

I'm not quite sure how they do it, but they do... every month they continue to raise the bar, and give me reasons daily to be more proud than ever. I am SO excited to share that this team is now ranked #6 in the entire Central Region, and #42 overall out of over 280,000 teams! That is incredible. In just a year and a half this team has gone from one person to over 300 people strong. From helping ONE person to THOUSANDS of people get their health on the right track, feel better than ever and take back control of their lives! I am so excited to share the image below with you of all the beautiful faces that joined our team in the month of June! I cannot wait for them to experience this team culture and watch them grow personally and professionally!
 New >>FF Coaches in June

One of my biggest joys in this business is watching coaches on my team reach goals they have set for themselves. Whether it takes them months, or days, their determination and commitment to helping other people is what makes me so proud. I am happy to announce our new Emerald coaches for June below! This means that all these beautiful faces have reached their first promotion in the business, and have begun to build a team of their own leaders! Congrats guys! 

New Emerald Coaches in June

And up next, are these incredible people... reaching even further goals in their businesses!! These faces below are in the top 0.1% of the company! Now THAT is something to be proud of! HUGE congrats to new RUBY coach Emily and new Diamond coaches Carly and Nikki! These ladies are LEADERS, and wonderful ones at that! They lead each day by simply sharing their journey, and helping others realize their potential! I am beyond proud of you guys, and can't wait to watch you continue to reach huge milestones! 
New Ruby and Diamond Coaches in June
June was an amazing month, but I know it won't hold a candle to July... team >>FITforward is off to the national coach convention in NASHVILLE to learn, grow, and have the time of our lives!

Monday, June 1, 2015

May Highlights!

I am just so overwhelmed with gratitude the past few weeks looking at the growth of this team, and the changes it is making in peoples lives. I cannot believe that this is my JOB. We found out in the month of May we are now ranked TOP 50 in the company, out of over 280,000 other teams! How insane is that?! SO SO COOL! I cannot believe that we have all found each other through similar interests and now become like a family. I am just so proud of everyone on this team and it is such a blessing to watch them continue to reach new goals and let this opportunity impact their lives in so many ways.

I want to start out by welcoming all the new faces that took a leap of faith and joined our team in the month of May!
That is a LOT of beautiful faces that are ready to make a change in THEIR lives and in OTHERS! 

Now I want to take a second to celebrate all the coaches that reached their FIRST promotion in this business, and became EMERALD coaches in the month of May! This is a HUGE accomplishment, and to many it is just a stepping stone to bigger and better things! This means that these coaches have built a foundation for their business and now have teams of their OWN to lead! Not only are they becoming leaders and changing lives, but they now get many more 'perks' of the business, from special bonuses, to free customers! This company is so good to their employees! Congrats to you all on this huge accomplishment and your shiny new EMERALD status! 

Next up, some BIG celebrations as we recognize leaders that have reached incredible milestones in their businesses! These coaches below have rank advanced to Diamond or Star Diamond ranks, which are the TOP 0.01% of this company, and an absolutely incredible accomplishment! First up, our shiny new DIAMONDS, which means not only do they have teams of their own to lead, but their coaches are also following in their footsteps and succeeding right along with them! Congrats to Victoriya, Jessica, and Erica, new >>FITforward Diamond Coaches! Then a super special congrats to Laura for hitting 2 Star Diamond qualifying this month! In my eyes this is one of the BIGGEST goals for this business, because now not only does Laura have other rockstar leaders on her team, but she gets to open ANOTHER business, and be the CEO of not only 1, but 2 of her coaching businesses... That is a BIG deal. I am so so proud of you all! And, thanks only to the success and determination and drive from these wonderful coaches, I was able to advance my business to 7 Star Diamond qualifying. Not because of anything I am doing though, it is ALL because of theses people you see right here, working hard to create a life of their DREAMS! 

What a blessing to watch all these goals be met, and even more exciting to be creating NEW goals for the months to come! So proud of you all, and another big WELCOME to our new FF coaches! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Coach Spotlight: Mickayla

I am beyond excited to get to spotlight one of my TOP coaches today, Mickayla! I knew the moment I met Mickayla, through a mutual friend, that she was going to dominate this business. She was down to the point, give it to me straight kind of girl... no fluff... she had already done a LOT of her own research, and was ready to hear what our team could do for her life. Within a week of coaching she had stepped away from her personal training job at a well known gym, to not only pursue coaching, but her own training business as well. This girl is the definition of a go-getter. Let's take a second to get to know her more!

"When I was asked to share a bit about myself I was honored! Then I thought- “I’m pretty much an open book. What don’t people know about me?”

Well here it goes! I’ll start out by sharing my exciting news that I’m a bride to be! The Future Mrs. Stoner (I know what you’re thinking and yes I am taking his last name)! wink emoticon Michael is the most supportive, fun, down to earth, adventurous and loving man there is! He’s a good balance to my sometimes unorganized, spontaneous, chaotic self and way of life! He’s a bit shy and I’m a bit…well not! I can walk into a huge room of strangers and strike up conversations with people like I’ve known them for years! I’d like to say I’d rather have just a few close friends than a ton of acquaintances but that’s not really true. I DO love all of my best friends and family, but what I really enjoy is meeting new people, experiencing different cultures I’m unfamiliar with and hearing peoples history and stories.

Most people already know that my faith is my life! As a Health and Fitness coach my businesses are all Gods’ and I am simply running around down here for His glory (or at least I do my best to)! I’d love to build my businesses up enough to financially support a few missions trips around the world as well as be financially set for Michael and I to comfortably have quite a few children!

Other random facts about me: I was a D1 full ride scholar gymnast and I’ve always loved leadership roles as I was also the captain of the team. I am a proud auntie of 4, my favorite drink is a good fresh Mojito, my family calls me “Micki”, I tie my shoes in a unique way you’ve probably never seen, I bake to relax and pray while I’m running, and finally I love---- animals, the ocean, my nike collection, bargain shopping, playing the piano, a occasional Netflix binge (rarely happens though), dancing around my kitchen while cooking and sushi dates!

I am so grateful for Sarah and for being able to be a part of Fitforward! What a blessing this is! xo"

Don't you just love her already?! Me too! She is such a kind soul, and I'm so lucky to learn with her, grow with her, and call her a teammate and a friend. It is truly a  blessing to watch her team Divine Wellness grow and flourish because of her incredible leadership! Just another reason I love this job, because it brings people like HER into my life!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Achievements in April

Team >>FITforward had some incredible achievements in the month of April! We added some incredible people to our team, celebrated amazing rank advancements, and got to spend the day together with other local >>FF coaches at our quarterly Super Saturday Beachbody event!

My first Super Saturday I attended I was only with a couple other coaches from my team, maybe 3, this time, we had over 50 people attend JUST from our team alone! It is such a special gift to watch this team grow, and continue to bring incredible people into my life! But that event alone deserves its own post, coming soon!

Now I'd like to take a second to formally welcome all of these beautiful faces below to our team! All of these people joined in the month of April, ready to either continue on with their personal goals, share their success with others and help others achieve their goals as well, or to begin to create a life of their dreams! I am so honored to have every one of them representing Team >>FITforward!

 This was a record breaking month for new Emerald coaches on our team! Below are faces of coaches who have hit their first promotion in their business, Emerald rank! This simply means that because of their inspiration and motivation to others, they have welcomed people on their team, who also want to join the mission, to end the trend of obesity! They all now have a team of their own, they are growing as leaders, and earning many perks to this business! So proud of you all!
 And last but definitely not least! Below are our two Diamond and above celebrations for April! Amy reached a milestone of One Star Diamond rank, which is incredible! It means that she has created a solid team of go-getters, and her example and leadership has encouraged and supported one of HER coaches to hit a HUGE milestone as well! Leading me to miss Lisa! Lisa hit Diamond rank in her business last month, which is the first HUGE promotion in this business, it means she has created a solid team of her own, of other like minded people all working to help and serve others! I'm so very proud of you guys, and cannot wait to continue to watch your businesses flourish!

Never stop reaching for your dreams, if WE can do this, YOU can too! 

Monday, April 6, 2015

March Madness for Team >>FITforward!

March was an incredible month for our team! Every month that passes I always wonder how we are going to top what we did the previous month, but my team never ceases to amaze me. This month they did it again, with a record breaking number of NEW faces joining our mission, you can see all their faces below! 

We also got to celebrate a TON of new rank advancements this month! Below are team >>FITforwards shiny new emerald coaches. This is their FIRST promotion in the world of Beachbody, and it shows that they are beginning to create their OWN teams, and beginning to earn an awesome bonus, known as cycle bonuses, each week, from their hard work! CONGRATS to all our new EMERALD coaches! 
And last but not least, we celebrated some HUGE accomplishments shown by these leaders below. 3 new DIAMOND coaches, Jaime, Amanda, and Maria... INCREDIBLE job ladies! This means that these girls have hit one of the most incredible accomplishments in the business, and they have created a killer team of their own. We celebrated Laura on going ONE star diamond qualifying in her business, Alysha going two star diamond qualifying, and Jenna going one star diamond in her SECOND business center!!! These are all AMAZING accomplishments, and it means not only do THEY have successful teams of their own, but THEIR coaches are growing leaders as well!
Again, AMAZING job everyone on making MARCH complete MADNESS for our team! I am so excited to get to welcome such incredible people on this journey, and to our team, and so proud of all of you who hit huge goals in your business last month! Way to go!!! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Meet Erica Oleske!

It's that time again, where I get to spotlight one of my coaches on my team and share a few things about them that we might not have already known! Gaining friends through this experience has been one of my favorite parts about this journey, because sometimes it is hard to find others that constantly lift you up, support your healthy lifestyle, and push you to grow personally and professionally. This opportunity does all of the above.

I have actually never met Erica in person, but I know she is one of my soul sisters, and the cutest darn New Yorker I've ever seen! Besides being an incredibly amazing coach.. here are a few things about this gorgeous gal she shared with us!

"Hi everyone! How fun is this?! I'm Erica, a bride-to-be, friend, sister, daughter and New Yorker. My passions are fitness, health and wellness, travel, cooking and helping others. It has been incredibly rewarding to get to know all of you, and the thing I love most about coaching is being able to lift people up - both on our team, within my personally sponsored coaches' community and with my customers/challengers. It's so inspiring for me! I really do think God put me on Earth to help others, and these past couple of years I have really spent focusing on His plan and changing a lot about my life in a very positive way. From working in the luxury (but very cutthroat) NYC public relations world lots of glamorous perks, to transitioning to a wonderful fundraising job at a Catholic nonprofit and now adding coaching to my life, it's been amazing to see how incorporating SERVICE into my life has made me a better/happy person. I love anything sparkly, A-line dresses, pink clothing/accessories and high heels. I'd say my style is 50's housewife meets socialite Barbie . I also love animals and can't wait for my white picket fence and golden retriever someday. Writing, working out, spending time with my friends and family, eating spicy food and curling up with a good book or the Sunday styles (and a big cup of coffee) make for the perfect lazy Sunday for me!"

Isn't she just the cutest?!?! Thanks for sharing girl, it has been an absolute honor to learn from you, be inspired by you, and call you a friend!  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Meet Alyssa Sahli!

Time to SPOTLIGHT another one of our amazing coaches... Alyssa Sahli! I love these spotlights so we can get to know our fellow teammates on a deeper level, since most of our work is through social media, and some of us have never met in person! I however, have had the pleasure of knowing Miss Alyssa in person, working with her at Gillette Children's Hospital! I asked Alyssa to take a minute and share a few things about herself! 

"Ok some random things about me...I have a bachelors in social work, minor in sociology and a certificate in child advocacy studies. Children hold a special place in my heart! I have worked at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare for 11 years this May. As much as I love the rewarding work, I looking at expanding my education and pursue a different career avenue. I love to cook and bake. Even though I do not have a huge elaborate kitchen with all of the fancy gadgets, it is still a huge passion of mine. One of my favorite things to do is glance at a recipe and go from there. No measurements etc. Wing it and go. I secretly want to own a bakery or sweet shop! As I was growing up I wanted to be like my two older brothers who were involved in sports. I was played softball and threw shot put and discus in high school. This sport allowed me the opportunity to become involved with powerlifting! I LOVED lifting heavy, so much so that I earned the high school girls bench press record. And I cannot forget my 3 nieces. They are full of energy and LIFE and have given me the ability to look at life in a completely different way!"

I love hearing things about coaches that I never knew, and seeing where each one started, before Beachbody. So many coaches with SUCH different backgrounds, which is what I love most about this opportunity, seeing people from ALL walks of life share one passion to help end the trend of obesity. Thank you Alyssa for sharing some facts about you, it is such a pleasure to have your positivity shine on our team!

Monday, March 2, 2015

So Blessed in February!

Team >>FITforward was SO incredibly blessed in the month of February. NOT only did we find out that we were ranked #60 in the entire company {out of 280,000}, and #12 in the central region... BUT we had so many wonderful coaches move their business forward with BIG rank advancements and TONS of incredible people join our team as new coaches. 

Rank advancing in this business is a sign of coaches building a solid foundation, moving their businesses forward and not only creating a life of freedom for themselves, but teaching others to successfully do the same. It is a sign of leadership, through being a good example, helping others, and showing consistency is key.

In February I was able to rank advance my business to 5 star qualifying... and to me this is NOTHING that I did, it is purely a sign that I have ROCKSTAR coaches that are paving the way for their teams, and building successful teams of leaders themselves! My sweet friend Jenna Beaverson advanced her business to 2 star qualifying... which is a HUGE milestone in this company. She did this all while working as a teacher, and being PREGNANT! Speaking of being pregnant... Miss Malia Stalock is also another preggers who rank advanced her business to DIAMOND this month. Right along with her was Mickayla Balow hitting diamond in her first few MONTHS as a coach. SO incredible, and this is the first of many for these two! 

We also had the pleasure of celebrating 8 new advancements to Emerald this month! Congrats to Krysta Malchow, Emily Rud, Kristy Westrom, Danielle Alana, Ashley Michele, Katelyn Aase, Sarah Antczak and Laura Janquart. This is their FIRST big promotion in this company, showing that they are in the process of building a solid foundation as leaders, helping others achieve their goals and start a business of their own following in their footsteps! 

And this last photo just amazes me... I cannot believe how many beautiful faces joined our team this past month. Over 24 people decided to take a leap of faith and begin this journey as a coach to either keep themselves accountable, help others along the way, or to build a business of their own from home to create a life of their dreams. This is SUCH an exciting time, and I cannot wait to watch all of you grow this year! Commit to ONE YEAR of consistency and I can GUARANTEE you will not ever regret this decision. It has hands down changed my life. Welcome ALL of you to this incredible team, and congrats on your new BUSINESS!

Last but not least.. take a peek at ALL these incredible leaders in February. This just BLOWS ME AWAY! The names and numbers below are a direct reflection of the amount of LIVES these coaches are changing, taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle, which is the BEST part about this job! HUGE shout out to Kristy Westrom, Ashley McLaughlin, Katie Crothers, and Laura Janquart for being in the LEADERS circle this month! Keep up the incredible work team!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Meet Jessica Butler!

Today I am SO excited to feature one of our coaches in a COACH SPOTLIGHT! Our team is growing so rapidly, and I wanted to take time away from the routine of each day and get to know our coaches a little more... what makes them tick, what are some fun facts about them? It can be easy to look past bonding when you're grinding towards your dreams, but the BEST part about this job is the sense of family we have created, and I NEVER want to lose sight of that regardless of how fast we continue to grow! SO today, we are going to get to know the GORGEOUS Jessica Butler!

Some FUN facts about this gal that you might not already know!

>>Gone skydiving 13 times
>>Have never traveled internationally except for Mexico twice

>>LOVED being pregnant--I've never felt more confident or beautiful.
>>Met my husband at a bar
>>Graduated college with nearly 200 credits

"When Sarah asked me to write a little blurb about myself, what I'm about, and not include any beachbody info, I was excited to dive it but had no idea where to start. The last five years have been a whirlwind, and the dust is just now starting to settle. My vision of who I am and what I'm about as a grown woman is finally beginning to form into everything I never knew I even wanted.

I grew up in a super small Wisconsin town (GO PACK GO!) with my entire family a quick five minute drive away, helped out of my grandparent's hobby farm, taught Sunday School, and participated in year round athletics. I started college in 2004 at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and transferred to St. Cloud State University after a year and a half. Between the two schools, I was always involved in athletic and academic organizations-MVP and captain of my dance team, Criminal Justice Association, Chemistry Club, American Marketing Association, Students in Free Enterprise, and several others. I was also a consistent gym goer, proud orange shorts wearer, and had a lot of fun out with my girlfriends. II have ALWAYS loved being a part of a team of inspiring people, and my adult, post-college life is no different!

I met my husband in 2009; graduated, got engaged, and started working downtown at an international law firm in 2011; married in 2012; welcomed our daughter and walked away from my law firm career in 2013; and became a stay-at-home-mom in 2014. The dust is now finally settling, I'm sure 2015 will again include fitness, an inspiring team of people, traveling, and fingers crossed for another baby! I am looking forward to EVERYTHING that 2015 has in store!"

THANK you Jessica for sharing a little bit about yourself! I am so honored to have such an incredible lady like you on our team! I cannot wait to continue to watch you grow and crush your goals!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Meet Team >>FITforward!

Each coach has a story, each coach has a dream, each coach has a vision, and together we make a team.

There are MANY beautiful people from Team >>FITforward who are NOT pictured in this photo, but it is one of my FAVORITES! This past January we had the opportunity to have our FIRST annual team gathering, for those coaches that are local to the Twin Cities. 

We had a photo shoot, dinner, and lots of laughs! It was SO wonderful to see this incredible group together as one, IN PERSON. So many of us started as complete strangers, and met online, and now have become one big family. 

Team >>FITforward was founded on January 28th, 2014. We are a NEW team, but we are a STRONG team, who crushed unheard of goals in our first year. We are starting 2015 as the #60 ranked team out of over 280,000 teams of coaches. We are HONORED to hold that spot, and DRIVEN to break the top 25 this year. How? By doing what we LOVE and helping others, while building the lives we always dreamed of. This is a team who has a passion to impact the lives of so many people, by bringing them support, accountability, and education on how to live a healthier, happier life. 

I am SO blessed to have been chosen by God to lead such an incredible group of humans, thank you ALL for being a part of this incredible journey.